My friend Dinah ‘went home’ (her words) just over a week ago. She was only in her early sixties but died in beauty and happiness. Here are some of the things that made me happy this week.
- Going to Yarndale.
- Returning my completed marking to the office.
- Music: yesterday, with Hot Aire, we spent the entire rehearsal working on one piece. Things I couldn’t get at the beginning were coming together by the end. Satisfaction! Then in the afternoon, I played in a concert with Hall Royd. What a tubarrific day!
- Autumn. I’m not really an autumn person; my favourite time of year is May/June as the days lengthen and I feel the optimism of summer ahead. But this autum has an astonishing abundance of berries and the russets and crimsons of the turning trees are exceptionally vivid. I’ve stopped several times just to stand and gaze at colours against a backdrop of blue sky.